Idaho Food Coalitions

Idaho food coalitions are networks or collaborative alliance of people and organizations working to strengthen the resiliency their local food system.
Being part of a food coalition is a powerful way to build community food self-reliance!
Are you interested in starting a food coalition or policy council in your area?
A Guide to Developing Food Coalitions and Food-Policy Councils in Idaho
Explore Idaho Food Coalitions from North to South!
Click on a region to browse coalitions in the area.
Statewide Coalitions
The Inland Northwest Food Network connects people, place, food and farms through education and outreach. We envision a resilient community food system that celebrates the cultural aspects of our region's food and promotes health for individuals, the local economy and the environment.​
Mission Statement:
To connect people, place, food and farms through education and outreach.​
North Idaho
One Sky, One Earth Food Coalition is working to influence healthier lives and lifestyles on the Coeur d’Alene tribal reservation through food. The Coalition actively serves the reservation community through education, community involvement, and food production and preparation.
Mission Statement:
Promoting healthy lifestyles through education, community involvement, food production and preparation.
The Palouse-Clearwater Food Coalition (PCFC) is comprised of representatives from regional and community organizations, institutions, agencies, non-profits and retail businesses with a shared interest in growing our local food system.
Mission Statement:
To strengthen the health and vibrancy of the Palouse-Clearwater Food System and increase the production, distribution, and consumption of locally grown food and agriculture products.
The Nez Perce Tribe HIPT Coalition is a collective group of community members striving towards increased food sovereignty, safety, access, and security for the Nimiipuu.
HIPT stands for Helping Indigenous People Thrive. HIPT is the word for food in the Nimipuutímt language, an integral part of Nez Perce culture.
Southwest Idaho
The goal of the WCM Food Coalition is to strengthen knowledge and networking surrounding the local food system in the West Central Mountains of Idaho.
Mission Statement:
To make food accessible through the cultivation and promotion of local quality producers and products.
Payette Valley Food Connection is a grassroots group strengthening local food connections since August 2015. All interested community members are invited to join planning and business meetings.
Mission Statement:
To support, promote and increase community awareness and access to sustainable locally grown & produced food in the Payette Valley area.
Treasure Valley Food Coalition, a 501(c)(3) organization, works with diverse community partners to improve the resiliency, integrity, and economic vitality of the region’s food system.
Mission Statement:
The Treasure Valley Food Coalition is a 501c3 non-profit organization promoting a vibrant local food economy in the Treasure Valley Food Shed of Southwestern Idaho and Eastern Oregon.
South Central Idaho
Founded in 2015, Blaine County Food Council (BCFC) is a grassroots group of local food system advocates in Sun Valley. The BCFC strives to integrate all aspects of their local food system to promote efficient, resource-conscious approaches in all phases: production, processing, distribution, access, consumption and recovery.
Mission Statement:
To foster communication, coordination and collaboration among local food system stakeholders through quarterly networking events.
Eastern Idaho
The “Teton Food and Farm Coalition” typically meets the 4th week of the month from 12-1pm at the Teton County Extension Office in Driggs (either Wednesdays in the summer or Fridays during the winter). The Coalition is intended to link farmers, food processors, distributors, restaurants, nonprofits, and others in community food system projects and policy development in the Teton Valley, ID and Jackson Hole, WY area. Anyone interested in strengthening the Teton local food economy is invited to participate!
Mission Statement:
To link farmers, food processors, distributors, restaurants, nonprofits, and others in community food system projects and policy development in the Teton Valley, ID and Jackson Hole, WY area.