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A bundle of grain in front of a barley field.  Photo Credit: Palouse Heritage
Logo for the Inland Northwest Artisan Grains podcast

Inland Northwest Artisan Grains™ Podcast Series

About the Podcast

The goal of the Inland Northwest Artisan Grains™ Podcast is to support the development of artisan grains values-based supply chains and production of

value-added artisan grains products in the Inland Northwest region of

Idaho, Washington, Oregon, and Montana. 


The objectives of the Inland Northwest Artisan Grains™ podcast series include:


Provide education and support for the development of Inland Northwest artisan grains supply chains and value-added products during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Provide producers, bakers, brewers, community development practitioners and technical assistance providers with in-depth understanding of the process, business relationships and community assets necessary to establish local/regional artisan grains value-chains.


Assist podcast guests (farmers and businesses involved in artisan grain values-based supply chains) in identifying opportunities for improvement and/or expansion through an in-depth analysis of their business relationships and market positions.


Provide a novel marketing opportunity for podcast guests to connect with existing customers and to expand their customer base.


Conduct IRB-approved research using a case study approach to understand the opportunities and challenges associated with developing and operating artisan grain value-chains.

Spring 2022 Program Poster
Download PDF version

Annual Conference Poster INWAG_ ML edits.png

Presented at the 2022 University of Idaho Extension annual conference.

Presented at the 2021 Just Food: because it is never Just Food Conference

This conference is a collaboration between the Association for the Study of Food and Society, The Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society, the Center for Agriculture and Food Systems, and the Society for the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition.  This presentation highlights the values and motivations behind the establishment of The Grain Shed.

Awards and Recognition
2022 NACDEP Educational Technology Award

Questions? Contact our project team!
Colette DePhelps | 
Ali Schultheis |

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